Bolder Dash v1.0 Help file [ SYSTEM REQIREMENTS ] A 386 or better CPU, DOS v4.0+, monitor, keyboard, flopp- / hard drive, etc. [ WHAT IS THIS ? ] I started working on this Bolder Dash clone about 2 years ago, and it was my first attempt to make a game (and probably my last to.) My original planes was to make this a grate game, with lots of new functions. Then I got tired of the whole project after 6 months! But now I decided to release this anyway. If just someone can make some nice levels, it's a fairly cool game... [ HOW TO PLAY ] I assume you know how to play Bolder Dash, if not, it's pretty easy to understand. Back in the good old days, the games always where! I'll just jump right one to the keys: Main Screen: ENTER Start a new game ESC Exit Gray + / - Select witch level to play (Multi level files only) H View high score The Game: Z / X Move left / right . Move down The key above . Move up Space Pause the game Shift+Move keys Try it out :) ESC Lose one man, and restart level TAB+ESC Go to main menu Arrow Keys Move the screen, not the guy, around the map. CTRL If you hold down CTRL, the screen will not automaticly scroll back to the guy. Nice if you use the arrow keys... Enter HighScore: Just type your name :) ENTER Finish typing ESC Finish typing and go to main menu [ SOME TIPS ! ] * You can hold down two direction keys at the same time. * The monsters will always try to go to the left, so you can "trap" them in a circle. * You get an extra 1.500 points for each life left, when you're done with the last level. * Be a nice guy, and don't do drugs :) [ SOME TECHNICAL STUFF ] * The levels can be much bigger than the original Bolder Dash version, maybe to big. 100 X 100. * I'm not to good in writing English :) * The number of levels you can have, is only limited to the amount of free memory. * I tried to add sound, but it just wouldn't sound nice. * No one have ever died from smoking Marijuana ! * The default level is called LEVEL.DAT. You can use any level, just type BD Level_Name. * There is a different high score file to each level file, with the extension HIG. E.g. LEVEL.HIG * If you get an error message telling you that some of the game files is screwed up. Try to delete the high score file. * This was coded in pure assembly in about 5-6 months. * If you are interested in the source code, contact me. * If you are interested in some will sex, contact me to :) (Only girls!) * Use the level editor (BDE) to make your own levels. [ THE END ] Although the days of DOS games is almost done, I hope someone will enjoy this. Bolder Dash has always been my favorite game, an it still is. So I hope you give it a try. Unfortunately I haven't had the time, or inspiration, to make many new cool levels. But hey, I'm the coder, it's not my job! This is of cource freeware, so do whatever you want with it. If it screws up you computer, thats to bad for you ;) If you find any bugs or have any tips, contact me in one of the following ways: E-mail : Snail mail : TORKEL BJRNSON Stigenga 76 0979 OSLO (NORWAY) AUTHORS: Greven : Code / Graphic / Level Design / Testing Acid Boy : Level Design / Testing Thanks to Acid Boy for leting me borow his Amstrad /w Bolder Dash, under the production fase. Greven, Suicide Software