Bolder Dash - Level editor v1.0 I assume you know how to play Bolder Dash. If not, you want get much out of this... [ SYSTEM REQIREMENTS ] A 386 or better CPU, DOS v4.0+ and a mouse. Shouldn't be a big problem these days :) [ WHAT IS THIS ? ] This is the editor I wrote so I (and my friends), could make the Bolder Dash levels. Therefor this is NOT an user friendly editor! If you do something illegal, it will just dump back to DOS, or in the worst case, crash. As matter of facts, this was a one week job. But I decided to release it anyway, so if there are any creative people out there, please make some nice levels. If you do, please mail them to me. This is the only thing I ask for! I also apologies in advance for my bad English :) By the way, the only error message you ever will get from this program is; 'ERROR: Something screwed up!' If this happens, then you have done something wrong. Hopefully you will know what :) [ HOW TO MAKE A NEW LEVEL ] Ok, here is the command line options: (Must be in the following order !) BDE File_Name [/l:n] [/x] File_Name : This should be obvious :) /l:n : This is the level number (n) to edit. 0 is default and equals the first level. This only works for multiple level files. You can't make multi levels files with this editor, only edit them!!! I'm sorry about this, but I was to lazy to fix it... /x : Edit the level header (Explained below) To make a new level, write BDE New_File_Name. Next you will be ask for the level size and the filler. The filler is either 0 or 1. 0 equals nothing and 1 equals the normal "stuff." Hope you know what I mean :) Then you have to setup the "Level header." All values except the level name is one byte, and should be in the range 0 - 255. Here is the explanation of each field: Time : The time limit. Just remember one tick doesn't equal one second! You just have to test this out yourself to find the correct value to use. Diamonds to take : How many diamonds you must take before you are finished. Diamond score 1 : How many points you get for each diamond BEFOR you have taken all the diamonds you shall take. Remember, you get an extra life every 5000 points! Diamond score 2 : How many points you get for each diamond AFTER you have taken all the diamonds you shall take. Magic wall time : How long the "Magic wall" is active after you activated it. Start position X : (Se bellow) Start position Y : When the level is bigger than the screen (It usually is), this is where the visible screen is positioned when you start. Upper left corner is zero. If you doesn't understand this, just test it out. If you set the start position (visible screen) outside the guy's possition, the screen will automatically scroll to the right position. Bonus life : 0 = No, 1 = Yes Level name : Yes, this is the level name. 13 chars max. If you want to exit without saving, just press ESC (You will now se an arrow symbol), and then press enter. You will now get the famous error message, and the level is not saved. Call me lazy :)) When you have done this, you enter the graphical editor. If you want to changes these settings later, just use the /x switch... When you edit an old level file, you will see the old values in brackets. If you want to keep this old value, just smash ENTER. [ THE GRAPHICAL EDITOR ] This is really straight forward. You use the mouse to draw/edit your level. Left button draws the active object, right button deletes, and the middle button (If you have one) draws the "unexplored stuff." F1 - F11 select the active object. Gray + and Gray - moves one step up/down. The arrow keys move around the level. You can also use the mouse button and the arrow keys together to draw straight lines. When you are finished, ESC exits and save the level. If you don't want to save, just press TAB + ESC. [ MULTIPLE LEVEL FILES ] As I mention before, the editor have support for reading and editing multi- level files, but NOT for creating them. If you want multi level files, you must use the JOIN utillity. The JOIN utility join all the level files you want into one big multi level file. Here's how to use it: JOIN Index_File New_File The index file must be a plain text file, contaning all the level names you wish to join. E.g ---> From here <--- 1! level1.dat level2.dat level3.dat * ---> To here <--- You can have as many level names as you want. But no extra spaces or lines! You might wonder what the first number is good for. Well, it tells the join utility how many levels to reserve space for in the level header. (JOIN.EXE is lazy, it dosen't count itself.) If the number is n, then max level is: X = n*16 - 2. So n=2, reserve space for: 2*16-2 = 30 levels. The '*' is a "End of file / list" indicator. After that point, you can write anything... [ THE END ] I hope this explained all you needed to know. If not, you can always mail me for questions, bug reports, etc... I can be reached in the following ways: E-mail : Snail mail : TORKEL BJRNSON Stigenga 76 0979 OSLO (NORWAY) By: Greven I , Suicide Software